Available Software

All thin clients in the computer lab and open lab are loaded with the following software:

  • Abaqus
  • Adobe Viewer
  • Advanced Design System
  • Altera Nios II
  • Altera Quartus II
  • Altium*
  • Arduino
  • AutoCAD*
  • AWR Design Environment 10
  • BlackHawk
  • Cadence
  • Direct
  • Eagle
  • FEKO Suite
  • FireFox
  • Foxit Reader
  • GIMP 2
  • Google Chrome
  • IIS Express
  • Java JDK
  • Java JRE
  • Layout
  • Mathematica 9
  • Mechanical APDL
  • Mentor Graphics
  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Project Professional
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft Sync FrameWork
  • Microsoft Visual Studio
  • MiKTeX
  • Model Check
  • Modelsim
  • NoMachine
  • Notepad ++
  • NX Client for Windows
  • NI LabView
  • ProductView Express
  • PTC Creo*
  • Parametrics
  • PuTTY
  • Python
  • Q+ Spim
  • Quick Time
  • Robolab 2.9
  • Silverlight
  • Silverlight SDK
  • Simulate
  • SolidWorks*
  • SolidWorks Viewer
  • Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio
  • TreeSize Free
  • VMware Tools
  • VPI
  • Win Pcap
  • WinSCP
  • Workbench
  • Xilinx Design Tools
  • Xmanager Enterprise
  • 7Zip

*Installed in the CAD station machines. Registered UTDesign Capstone students can login with their NetID and password to access the software. Contact assist@utdallas.edu if you have issues logging in.

If students need software not available in the thin client, they should contact assist@utdallas.edu for availability.