Open Lab

The UTDesign Studio open lab offers students in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science with 15,000 square feet of open space where they can put their ideas and creativity to work.

It houses the working space for the capstone projects for Computer Science, Bioengineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering Departments. It also makes space for student organizations, EPICS and the UTDesign Makerspace.

The open lab is available to students 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Students enrolled in any ECS senior design course and EPICS will be granted access to it through a card reader. BMEN, ECE and ME student will get the card activated once they pass a set of on-line training courses.

The open lab has 81 working stations, all of them equipped with a thin client computer. Some are already prepared with a digital multimeter, an O-scope, a power supply, and a function generator. If more equipment is needed, the machine shop manager will be able to assist the team.

The open lab includes a soldering station, 3D printers, a Scrap Yard (SPN 1.405), a Tool Crib (SPN 1.514), CAD stations, and plenty of locker space. All hand tools are available and must be returned after each use, no later than the end of each day.