Students presenting an engineering project


Prior to bringing any items into the UTDesign Studio, discuss with your faculty director, sponsor, faculty advisor/team mentor, and shop manager to ensure safety measures are taken. The following list of potential hazards is non-inclusive.

List of Potential Hazards


  1. Biomaterials of any type — biological hazard (animals/animal tissues, pathogens, bodily fluids, etc.).
  2. Syringes, needles and all sharp devices.


  1. Chemicals of any type other than those provided in the UTDesign Studio. Wear disposable/work gloves.
  2. All oil and other chemical waste are to be disposed of properly. Absolutely no chemicals or oils are to be dumped in the sink. The shop manager must be consulted for proper waste disposal procedures. All questions concerning disposal should be directed to the Safety Team.
  3. Flammable chemicals must be stored in a designated flammable cabinet in the fabrication shop.
  4. Acids, bases and strong oxidizing chemicals must be stored in segregated cabinets.


  1. DC voltages greater than 50V.
  2. Any use of AC voltage in a device being built or modified, excluding purchased equipment like computers.
  3. Currents greater than 1A.
  4. Power greater than 50W.
  5. Radio frequency (RF) emitting equipment. Purchased devices that use wireless digital communication (Wi-Fi or Bluetooth) and
    wireless remote controls are not included in this category.
  6. Microwave-emitting equipment.
  7. Lithium polymer (LiPo) batteries.


  1. Operational temperatures less than 0 F (-18 C) or greater than 120 F (49 C), excluding soldering.
  2. Compressed liquids and gases at any pressure, including the use of the SPN building-provided compressed air supply.
  3. Vacuum of any level or systems under pressure.
  4. Sharp tools and materials.
  5. Firearms.


  1. Any device intended to store and release significant amounts of energy (large capacitors, springs, etc.) needs a lock out/tag out plan – (Kinetic – hydraulics, pneumatics; Potential; Thermal; Electrical – large capacitors).
  2. Lasers rated Class IIIB and above or open-beam lasers.
  3. Devices producing noise in excess of 85 decibels.
  4. Automation, i.e. robotics, drones, devices that have or should require either:
    a. Kill switch
    b. Safety interlocks
    c. Control system failures
  5. Infrared/ultraviolet light sources other than a single LED.
  6. Ionizing radiation, X-rays, radioactive sources, etc.
  7. Working at heights – 4 feet or higher to work on a project.
  8. Lifting or movement of objects greater than 50 lbs.
  9. DO NOT BLOCK doors, floors between tables.



In the event of an emergency (fire, flood, threat, accident, etc.), call 911, follow emergency procedures, and submit an accident report.


In the event that a spill occurs in SPN1, clean it up immediately using the mops and buckets that are located at the north ends of the open lab. Cleaning supplied are in the printer room. Contact emergency services (911) if the spilled material is hazardous.

No food or drink is allowed in the open lab, project rooms and fabrication shop.


No painting is allowed at SPN. Follow ECSW processes.

UTDesign Studio Safety & Hazards (pdf)